
Quotes On Psychology Fact Day 5

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Psychology Fact ( 21-25 )


What do we learn from frustrating experiences?


The contact of one human being with another is always valuable if one sees the essence.

Sufi wisdom says: the one who hurts you, blesses you.

He sends you on a journey that you would never dare to undertake on your own.



As we get closer to pleasure, the closer we get to vulnerability.


For pleasure is possible when a person connects with himself, stops analyzing, and simply goes through what's happening to him.

The closer we are to vulnerability, and so, to real feeling, the less control we have. And the lower the control, the closer to the surface everything that is contained. That's why people who hold back pain, anger, grief, or fears are almost inaccessible to pleasure.

Pleasure and vulnerability are inseparable. You cannot turn on all the senses and turn off what is not lived. And as soon as control is reduced, the restrained and hidden comes to the surface with all clarity.


A major family illusion is that relatives are the closest people.


And automatically, obligatorily and completely. And that's not true.

They may have chosen each other on a soul level, but as people, they just got each other. That's why relatives are the first people where we meet not only with love, but also with impossibility, misunderstanding, absence and disappointment. 

Relatives are people given to us to adjust our filter and learn to discern. Take the necessary and spit out the unnecessary, even if it is systematically under our noses. And eventually, discover ourselves by separating from others.




Sometimes you think this only happened to you at home, or in nature, in Paris or in Nice, or perhaps only in someone else's arms. 

But really, it only happened inside you.


I don't like him.


Dealing with resources ultimately boils downs to facing with the holes, into which these resources leak. It's also about assimilation. Until a person realizes he’s like a moose that drinks and drinks, and he’s getting worse and worse, nothing will change globally.

You can receive information, support and warmth for hours and tons, but if you spit it out or stockpile it aside and don't notice or just lose it, no one from the outside will help.

As you can only find the hole in contact with others. But fixing the hole is always a work in itself.

-- Psychology Fact Day 4--

-- Psychology Fact Day 6  --

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