
Quotes On Psychology Fact Day 6

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Psychology Fact ( 26-30 )


Two essential things to happen to a person to make him older. 


Disappointment in fantasies, omnipotence, limitlessness, infinity, absolute choice and the ability to please everyone.

Humility and acceptance of the fact that you're not hanging in the air and can't be cooler than everyone else. Accepting the way things are, and the presence of other people in your life.

And the sooner that happens, the more accessible simple human happiness is. Not the kind that requires conquering the universe, but the kind that can be made with your hands, and achieved by simple actions. Not comprehensive, but finite, concrete and simple enough.



Sometimes you just don't want to feel... anger, resentment, sadness, or shame. But they come.


Sometimes you don't want to feel sad or ashamed. But these feelings, as well as any others, come no matter what you want. Sometimes you suddenly feel so hurt that you ask your business partner to wait and run to the bathroom to cry when no one is looking. And you can't explain to yourself what happened. You just feel so vulnerable and can't show it.

Feelings make us vulnerable and open to the world in all its unpredictability. They make it possible to be with someone, to change, to find ourselves in unexpected places, to suffer and to rejoice. To be alive.


The longer we don't name and identify an event, the more experience we can draw from it.


The more attentively we examine and look at what we see, the more chance it has to change right in our presence. The most attentive people always win. 

This also concerns the one who is able to make a pause and discern possibilities. That is to notice something invisibly present, the essence of what is happening.


What happens to the feelings we bottle and hide?


As a rule, only intensify and find workarounds to manifest themselves. Envy is a strong feeling, it derives from our desires and opportunities, it is a passion, and there is a lot of energy behind it.

Is it possible to turn this energy to your advantage? Or is an envious person doomed to suffer? Creative envy gives inspiration, motivation and even joy. Neurotic envy is a slightly different story. 

And then there is narcissistic, psychotic envy... there are many forms of its manifestation, each has their own.




If there is even the slightest chance of hope somewhere on the horizon - one might find themselves in a state of worry and uncertainty. Their world is not as agile and capable of change.

When one is preparing themselves to take the first heroic step into a new bright future, they face challenge to take these “domino” steps in the present.

-- Psychology Fact Day 5--

-- Psychology Fact Day 7  --

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