
Rules Of Silent Letters From A to Z With Silent Letter Words

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Silent Letter Rules A to Z words with silent letter  

Now let's Learn About Silent Letter ;-   

What are silent letters?       

A silent letter is part of the word that is written but not spoken ( Silent letter उस शब्द का हिस्सा है जो लिखा जाता है लेकिन बोला नहीं जाता | )


Wa l k K now  Fil e   

Why do we have silent letters in the English language?       

Silent letters exist in many English words .

During the formation or evolution of English, Many foreign words ( Latin / French /  German ) where added to early English . The procution of some of these words were simplified while other were completely changed. This is why in modern english there are many silent letters in many words.


Another reason for the use of silent letters is to avoid the confusion between words with similar sound and spelling (Homophones).


1. Silent A words in English   

When A comes before "lly " , Then Is Silent Let's Check Some Examples are Given Below .

  Automatica lly  Logica lly
  Practica lly  Basica lly
  Surgica lly  Romantica lly

2.  Words in which B    is silent   

When B comes before " T " or After " M " , Then B Is Silent .

Sub tle Lamb Bomb Deb t
 Crumb Thumb Doub t Comb
 Plumb er Climb Womb Limb

There are exceptions to these rules.       


(It's ( B )Come With "T " but still we pronounce "B " )


(It's ( B ) Comes after "M" but still we pronounce "B" specially when it is in the middle of the word )

  Crumble  Subtext  Symbol
  Number  Umbrella 


3.  C letter silent words   

When letter C silent after "S " and before "i " , "E " .

  Sc ience  Consc ious  Sc issors
  Desc ent  Musc le  Sc ent
  Fasc inate  Sc ene 

4.  Words in which D    is silent   

Letter D normally silent before "N" or "G" .

  Wed nesday  Frid ge  Ed ge
 Acknowled ge  Ad jective  Bud get
  Bad ge  Ad just  Jud ge
  Hand kerchief   Lod ge  Sand wich
  Brid ge  Pled ge  Porrid ge
  Hand some  Gad get  Knowled ge

5. Rules for silent letters E    

When " E " comes at the end of the word , Then "E " is not Pronounce .

( If  "E" is at the end of the Words  the vowel before it becomes the longer vowel sound.)

Tap e         Bak e         Tast e       
  Hat e         Cak e         Kit e   
  Fac e        Sit        Mat e   

Note:- This Rules Doesn't apply if there is only one vowel in the word ;

He       She       Be     
  We       The     


 "    Letter " E " can also be silent at the end of past tense ragular verbs which end in " ed ". "

Ask e d    Look e d    Wash e d  
Call e d  Bak e d  Open e d
  Help e d    Lik e d  Clos e d

We Only Pronounce the " E " in verb if it ends in " D " or " T " .   

    Ended       Wanted   
    Started       Included   

6. Rules for silent letters F   

No English Words with silent Letter "F"   

Note :- If There are words with these silent letters then it's probably a foreign language word not an english .

7. Rules for silent letters G   

Letter G Not Pronounced if it comes before an "N"   

Ali g nSi g nForei g n
  Campai g n    Desi g n    Consi g nment  

If letter " g " is in the middle of the word most of the time we pronounce the " G " .

Magnet     Ignore   

G Not pronounce when it comes after a vowel and before  " H "   

 Li g ht     Bri g ht     Hi g h   
  Throu g h     Dau g hter     Ni g ht   

Sometime " Gh "is pronounced Like an " F "   

  Tough     Laugh   
  Draught     Rough   

8. Rules for silent letters H   

If the word begins with " Wh " , Then " H " is silent .     

  W h at  W h y
  W h en  W h ite

If the word begins with " Gh " , Then " H " is silent .     

  G h ost     G h etto   
  G h erkin    

If the word begins with " H " , Then " H " is silent .     

H onest   H onour   H our  

If the word begins with " Rh " , Then " H " is silent .     

  Rh ythm  Rh yme  Rh inoceros

Sometimes " H " Silent when comes after " C " .      

 C h oir  Ec h o
  Stomac h      Tec h nology   


9. Rules for silent letters I   

We always Pronounce "I" But have Some Exceptions;

Bus i nessParl i ament

10. Rules for silent letters J   

No words with silent "J"   

Note:- The F,J,Q,R,X,Y and Z can't be silent in english - If there are words with these silent letters , Then it's probably a foreign language word , not an English word.   

11. Rules for silent letters K   

Letter "K" is always silent when it comes before an "n" and at the beginning of a word .

 K nowK nife K nee
  K nowledgeK nockK not

12. Rules for silent letters L   

There isn't exact rule for letter "L" 

Letter "L" is not pronounced After "a","e", or "u"

Ca l fShou l dWa l k
Pa l mBa l mYo l k
A l mondTa l kCa l m
Wou l d  

13. Rules for silent letters M   

There Is No Rule For Letter "M"

M nemonic  

If you Know some silent words with silent "M" Just put them into the comment box.

14. Rules for silent letters N   

Letter "n" is usually silent after an "m" at the end of the word 

 Colum n         Autum n       
  Dam n         Hym n       

15  Rules for silent letters O   

No rules for letter "o" , Silent in some random words

  Peo ple  Co untry  Leo part
  Favo urite  Favo ur 

16  Rules for silent letters P   

* "P" is usually silent in the latters combinations, "ps" , "pt" , "pn" .

Some Ex:-    

P sychologyP neumoniaP terodactyl
P salm  

* There are also few common random words 

  Recei p t  Cu p board  Cou p   
  Ras p berry  

* "Ph" Together is sometimes pronounced like an "F"

Paragra ph       Photogra ph er     
Ele ph ant     Ph one     

17. Rules for silent letters Q   

No Rules For words with silent "Q"   

Note:- The F,J,Q,R,X,Y and Z can't be silent in english - If there are words with these silent letters , Then it's probably a foreign language word , not an English word.   

18. Rules for silent letters R   

No Rules For words with silent "R"   

Letter "R" is silent in british english if it is followed by a consonant or at the end of the word .   


British EnglishAmerican English
Butte r   Butter
Fo r kFork
Sta r   Star
Poo r   Poor

Note:- The F,J,Q,R,X,Y and Z can't be silent in english - If there are words with these silent letters , Then it's probably a foreign language word , not an English word.   


19. Rules for silent letters S   

Letter "S" is not pronounced before "I" in some of the words 

I s land I sl e
Ai s leI s let

Other Random Silent Words ; Debri , Bourgeois

20. Rules for silent letters T   

It is silent before "ch"

Ma t chWa t chWi t ch
Ske t chCa t chSti t ch
Bu t cherScra t ch 

If a word ends in "Sten"

Lis t enChris t enFas t en
Mois t enGlis t en 

If a word ends in "stle"

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